Monday, October 26, 2009
HSKS9 - Where's Winnie? #3
Triwizard Challenge -Third Task
Task Three
A champion needs to get through the maze to reach the cup. Make something that is cup-like. Make something that can hold something else. Also the cup was a portkey, make an item used for travel. WIPs and New projects are accepted. If your project is a WIP, please post before and after photos.
A pumpkin that holds a roll of toilet paper

Sunday, October 25, 2009
HPKCHC Arithmancy Assignment October 2009
Welcome to Arithmancy!
Please take out parchment and quills.
This month we will be learning the term: ”Binary”.
Binary means: composed of two parts or two pieces.
In Mathematics, a binary function, or function of two variables, is a function which takes two inputs.
For your assignment this month:
Knitters/ crochetters:
- Two items that complement each other or make a set. For example, matching gloves and scarf. Or a scarf and a hat. (Note: a pair of gloves counts as just one item). Make them as a set. Please explain why you would wear them together. They don’t HAVE to be the same color but they have to match in some way. or
When one has two friends in the wizarding world with similiar tastes, to make something for one and not the other could result in problems......
....... especially when one is Narcissa Malfoy and the other works for the Ministry as an auror! So below is my solution, two sets of [Josephine Gauntlets](pattern), one in Narcissa's Slytherin Green and one in Auror Piper Poplartree's favorite color purple!

HaR History of Magic Part 2 - Quidditch Cape
History of Magic
Professor Binns has finally realized he is a ghost, and promptly decided he should retire to do all the things he never did when he was alive. So- it is my privilege to take over for him as the History of Magic professor. As such- I will focus on the APPLIED approach, as to not bore my students into a snoring stupor. :D
APPLIED History of Magic Syllabus
As I KNOW I’m not the only teacher giving homework- I have decided to approach HoM as a gradual course.
Each term, we will study ONE topic in depth. Students will have two projects (and one optional extra credit projects) to complete. Since Quidditch is so popular- the first term will be devoted to this popular subject.
Due dates and points:
- The second project is due by the end of class. It will be worth 15 points.
SHOULD you not be able to complete the projects by the end of class- you may complete them and turn them in before the end of the TERM for reduced points.
Project Two: Quidditch Capes
ANY cape/shawl/capelet pattern will do.Each project may be made in House colors, or in your favorite professional quidditch team colors.
Assignment #2
Quidditch cape in Ravenclaw Blue also as a gift

HaR History of Magic Part 1 - Quidditch Gauntlets
History of Magic
Professor Adais
Professor Binns has finally realized he is a ghost, and promptly decided he should retire to do all the things he never did when he was alive. So- it is my privilege to take over for him as the History of Magic professor. As such- I will focus on the APPLIED approach, as to not bore my students into a snoring stupor. :D
APPLIED History of Magic Syllabus
As I KNOW I’m not the only teacher giving homework- I have decided to approach HoM as a gradual course.
Each term, we will study ONE topic in depth. Students will have two projects (and one optional extra credit projects) to complete. Since Quidditch is so popular- the first term will be devoted to this popular subject.
Due dates and points:
* The first project is due by the end of class. It will be worth 10 points.
SHOULD you not be able to complete the projects by the end of class- you may complete them and turn them in before the end of the TERM for reduced points.
Project One: Quidditch Gauntlets
ANY gauntlet or fingerless mitten/gove pattern will do as long as it extends past your wrist. Also- if you want to tackle actual gloves- be my guest.
Quidditch guantlets:
Done in Slytherin green as a gift for my friend, Narcissa :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Where in the World is Winnie #1
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
HSKS9 - First Blog Assignment
- Someone with the same craft as you (either those listed above or another one). Siobhan Mooney CelticMommy, Montrose Magpies
- Someone who was born in the same month.
- Someone from a different country.
- A new HSKS Quidditch player. Celestina Pettigrew, sherryharrison, Montrose Magpies
- A player who has been in 3 or more HSKS swaps.
- A player who has a bigger stash than you! (And if your stash is the biggest, proudly say so!)
- A player who both knits and crochets.
I say with pride I believe my 15 Rubbermaid Large Tubs may be the largest here :D
- Someone who has the same favorite color as you.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
HPKCHC DADA Assignment October 2009
Welcome to our first class on Necromancy!
In honor of Halloween this month, let’s focus on the connection points between the worlds of the living and the dead. To complete this month’s assignment, make something that is inspired by: 1) an historical figure that is now deceased 2) an undead creature (zombie, vampire, skeleton, ghost, etc.), or 3) both (now would be the time to make that Zombie Abe Lincoln) Bonus points, as always, for house colors or making me laugh.
Note: Projects may be inspired by a deceased historical figure or undead creature. They don’t have to be actual representations of them
Dragonsinger of Hufflepuff submitting her DADA assignment:
Halloween, derived from Samhain, is the time of year when the veil between two worlds is the thinnest. In my history, was my godmother/aunt, Ita Marie Breslin, who crocheted ever since I can remember. She never used patterns, she just saw in her mind what she wanted and set to work. The gold hat is one she made for my mother years ago. Wednesday, 7 October 2009, 'Aunt' Ita crossed over to the otherside of the veil.

In the past couple of nights since learning this, I sat down and reconstructed the hat as a tribute to her ability, crafting and love.
So I present Breslin's Beret orginally designed by Ita M. Breslin in the 70's. Pattern available here

Triwizard Challenge - Second Task
Task Two
Last time we focused on doing something for someone we loved. The other part of the original task was to swim to the bottom of the lake. This time around, we will focus on the lake itself. Make things that remind us of the lake in some way: things that are the color of the lake; things that have wave patterns in them; or things you can use in or near a lake (swimsuits, coverups, etc)
The champions were required to swim to the bottom of the lake to retrieve thier friends. You task is to make something that has to do with a lake. WIPs and New projects accepted. If it is a WIP please post before and after pictures.
Possable options include but are not limited to
color of water
Completing Task 2 with a Jiffy shell stitch afghan the color of water, dark blue like the night seas

Triwizard Challenge - First Task
Since Harry and the other tournament players had to get past the Dragon to grab the egg, we will do an “egg” theme this time around. Players can make either baby items (blankets, sweaters, hats, etc.), items for small children, or actual egg-shaped items.
This can be a WIP or start a new project. If you turn in a WIP please post before and after photos.
Possable items include but are not limited to
items for small children
actual egg shaped items
Completing first challenge under two options with rubber duckys:
Egg shaped

Items for children

HLBOE Swap Received!
There was also a lovely little dragon who sits on the top edge of my screen and a cute little Hufflepuff colors note pad and lovely stitch markers that accidently got left out of the photo but are no less loved than any of the package :) *hugs*

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
HPKCHC Transfiguration Assignment October 2009
This month we delve into “Cross-Species transfiguration”. The most well-known is the Animagus spell, but there are many other types as well! You must show an ability to Transfigure an object from one species into another. This can be demonstrated by:
3) Knit or crochet a model of your Animagus either as a 3-D toy or a colorwork design.
Form: Fox
Genera and species: Vulpes vulpes
Collective Term: A skulk of foxes
Distinguishing marks: Red fur, green eyes
Animal Characteristics:
Appealing and cerebral and of average size, the fox is a close relative of both the wolf and dog personalities and displays typical canine qualities of loyalty, passion and creativity. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it's the fox's unique stature as a small carnivore that defines its survival strategy. Because it cannot succeed in the world using brute force alone, it must rely on its sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, and it consequently spends a lot of time in its head -- giving the impression that it's trying to outsmart its friends. So the fox is often surprised to learn that its intellectual pursuits are intimidating.
So, the fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own, and while these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion.
Foxes are typically successful in the work place but their competitiveness and ambition sometimes makes coworkers feel belittled. They would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to their feelings. So they thrive in their own businesses and like to surround themselves with family and friends in these ventures.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Reducio Swap #7 - Hogwarts Express

There was a darling little hufflepuff sock as well as a miniature train keyring for the Hogwarts Express. a prefect badge that is going on my tote bag and a Hufflepuff bookmark. The chocolate frog from the cart was delicious and just like Harry, I got an Albus Dumbledore card *squees*. There's a tiny little Hedwig in his own little cage and he even comes out of the cage for sending my own owls out. She also found grapefruit gum which is one of my favorite flavors!

And since I have heard that my spoilee received her package I can show you what I sent out as well